If you grew up here in Iowa chances are you went to the Iowa High School Wrestling Tournament through out your high school career to cheer on your school. It is BIG here, were talking entire towns shut down to come support their athletes every year. Something that is so awesome to watch and be part of!
Last night I walked a few blocks over to Wells Fargo Arena for the opening night of the Iowa High School State Tournament for 2011. I still have about 500+ photos to look through but here are just a few of my favorites so far. Ahh Wrestling in Iowa! xdate.com.au
The tournament goes on through Saturday night if you want to check it out. Here is a link to the 2011 state tournament info and schedule. I highly suggest if you have never been to go…it is one crazy experience!
These are all taken with a Canon 70-200 f/2.8 lens and a 5D MK II body (minus the first with the 15mm f/2.8 fish-eye) from a few rows up in the bleachers. Maybe next year I can con one of my few high school wrestling coach friends into getting me a press pass for their school. 🙂