Yesterday I had a wonderful time volunteer photographing the Best Buddies of Iowa Friendship Charity Walk in Downtown Des Moines. Each year we try to donate be it time or products to things we support and feel are great causes. I was approached in December by a former bride of ours to see if we were interested, and between a marathon of weddings (WOO starting next Saturday) we were still available! So of-course I agreed!

The Best Buddies Friendship Walk is the number one walk in the country raising awareness and funds to support individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Registration is free and there is no minimum fundraising amount to participate.

I believe they had over 700 walkers and 70ish dogs and raised over $60,00 yesterday!

I can’t say how cool it was to see our ZTS Photo logo along side those of HyVee, Coke, Guru BBQ, AHeinz57 Pet Rescue, and Star 102.5 just to name a few.

Thanks for having me and I had such a wonderful time yesterday, what a great day for a deserving cause.

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