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In an attempt to post blog posts from pre ZTS blog era here is a wedding we captured last January in Ventura for Arthur and Anna who have now been happily married for almost 6 months!

I started off the day heading to Anna’s mothers home just outside of Garner, Iowa and Tanner headed over to Mason City to meet up with Arthur the groom as he prepared for the day.

They had a great setup on the fireplace with lights setup so I decided to take some great ring shots and some of Anna’s earrings.

Anna’s mom had some wonderful blue glass in the kitchen for decoration so I draped Anna’s necklace over the glass.

Anna’s mom also had some other great colored glass so snapped a few with the ring and glass as well.

Anna putting her makeup on

Shot of the back of Anna’s robe that she wore while getting ready.

One of the gorgeous bridesmaids

Anna and her younger sister

Anna’s sister who was also a bridesmaid in the wedding

From Anna’s house we headed on over to the Ventura Community Center in Ventura, Iowa where they were going to hold the ceremony, dinner and dance.

Anna picked out a gorgeous cake!

Arthur and the groomsmen

Instead of having a unity candle they had unity sand where they poured two colors of sand into the jar in the middle. Great idea!

Shot of Anna just after getting her dress on

The bridesmaids showing off their amazing attire for their feet

Arthur did a great job picking out Anna’s ring!

Aren’t they a gorgeous couple?!

Possibly my favorite shot of the day. You can thank Tanner for this great pic

A fun shot of the bridal party

Anna relaxing during bridal party shots

Next up was dinner!

Followed by some maid of honor and best man speeches. Here is a snapshot of Anna and her sister sharing a hug after the speech.

The first dance was next on the line. The little girls attending the wedding look on eagerly as Anna and Arthur share their first dance.

Anna’s father giving her a kiss on the forehead at the end of the father/daughter dance

Arthurs friends thought it would be a great idea to chain him down representing his newly married life…ha! Actually was a pretty amusing idea!

Some of the guests dancing at the wedding:

And after the bouquet toss we shall end with a few garter shot images.

Hope the first six months of your marriage has been fabulous Anna and Arthur!

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