It’s been since 2012 that I was able to shoot the Iowa High School State Wrestling Tournament but I returned Thursday AM to Wells Fargo Arena for 1A to shooting for the amazing IA Wreslte!

iowa high school state wrestling 2016

One of our past grooms founded IA Wrestle, he’s turned it into such a great site with a big following! So great to pursue your passion and do what you love. It was a blast to return to the mat for them and shoot for them in such a (slightly) different atmosphere than weddings. 😉

iowa high school state wrestling 2016

I ended up with around 2,000 pics from my 3 hours at the mat (right, oops!) I got it all narrowed down to these few action packed faves, enjoy! I think I truly missed my calling as a sports photographer. Ha! Just kidding! 😉 But really it’s so fun to shoot some action and mix it up, especially in our off months!

Thanks IAwrestle for the opportunity to shoot for you! And be sure you go like them on IG, FB IA Wrestle and Twitter as well as follow them on Snap @iawrestle!



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