One of my 2014 New Year’s resolutions was to shoot more landscape photography (and blog more!).

We headed up to Tanner’s family’s cabin in Wisconsin for a 4 day vacation this weekend and it was FINALLY warm enough to bring my camera along ice fishing. WOO!

Tanner and I on the lake. Please don’t judge my little boy snow-pants from a long long long time ago. Ha!

Tanner and Jeff setting up the hutProbably one of my favorite shots from yesterday!View of the cabin from the frozen lake. 
The hut! The hot place to ice fish on Long Lake is just outside the cabin, makes for a short commute!No ice fishing is complete without some Fireball!Cider beer, my favorite!BRR! Tanner’s mom and Jeff!Tanner and I
Making shadow people!Another one of my favorites from yesterday. The walk back was a wee bit chilly. But totally worth stopping for a few photos!

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