So last night we decided to do a fun shoot tonight in Garner with one of Tanner’s friends Logan Clemet! He has some amazing work feel free to look him up and add him on facebook! We just got four new pocket wizards and have been dying to get outside and try them out with the flashes and soft box so here are just a few of the fun shots we had from tonight! Enjoy!

Starting off we found this amazing location with some awesome blue bins and a rounded shed!

Thanks Logan for this awesome shot of Tanner and I!

And here’s Logan!

And some fun shots at the blue storage sheds.

From there we decided it would be fun to hit up the car wash. Actually turned out for some super awesome photos!

Ok hate to say it but I love the walls in here! Even if I am allergic to the mold on them…ha!

Tanner & Logan again

Ha! Officially amazing!

Thanks for checking out our blog! Probably have some more fun stuff up later today or tomorrow as we have some fun ideas! Promise also to get those awesome engagement pics up in a post from Amber & Scott last weekend sometime in the next few days!

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