Voted Best Wedding Photographers in Des Moines, IA

AHH!!! We are incredibly honored to be considered one of the top 3 best voted wedding photographers in Des Moines, Iowa along with one of our amazing talented photographer bff’s Amanda Basteen. How great is that!!! Check out the link here Tanner and I have had the best time the last 9 wedding seasons getting to work […]

Wedding First Looks…

First looks at weddings usually are something I love to watch! Bride and groom seeing each other for the first time on the day of the wedding, so special and so memorable. Something that we had not had before was a grandmother first look, we have had many father daughter ones but never one like […]

Miller Wedding | May 4, 2013 | Decorah, Iowa

  Peggy and Andy had an awesome wedding day surrounded by family and friends. They even got a very rare May snowstorm the two days prior, let us all thank Iowa that it didn’t happen on the 4th. Ha! Tanner and I made the trek up to Decorah, Iowa last Friday and I must say we were more […]

Fredrick’s Wedding June 4, 2011 | Forest City Iowa & Diamond Joe Casino

Chelsea and Zach kicked off our crazy fun June of 2011 wedding madness on June 4th in Forest City, Iowa. Chelsea is Tanner’s first cousin so it is always enjoyable to shoot weddings where we know a majority of the people as well as be there to share in their wedding day with them. They […]

Korenik Wedding Sneak Peak 06.18.11 | Storm Lake Iowa

Matt and Jessi’s wedding in Storm Lake was fantastic! Just wanted to post a few quickly while in the midst of wedding editing madness. Below are a few favorites from their big day. Isn’t Jessi just gorgeous?! (Matt you aren’t too bad on the eyes either!) 🙂

ZTS June 2011 Update: Wedding Madness!

Tomorrow marks our 3rd wedding for June of 2011. The couple you ask? You may remember the western themed engagement shoot for Matt & Jessi from last fall in Storm Lake, Iowa. If the photo below of the groom to be we snapped at the e-session is any indication of what is to come this […]

Something Blue | Iowa Wedding Photographers

Ring shots are my favorite. I get so excited for them! Something blue at a wedding recently was a ring given to the bride by her grandmother. I love this so much I just had to share!

Kayli + Ryan Engaged | Clear Lake, Iowa

Kayli and Ryan are one of our awesome 2011 wedding couples this year. Their wedding is set for October 1st in gorgeous Clear Lake, Iowa. Yay for fall weddings! We started out at a state park in Clear Lake with lots of awesome shady trees and then headed to an open field and finally down […]

Tilt-Shift Des Moines

I have ALWAYS wanted a tilt-shift. Well for a few weeks we just so happen to have one! I ventured out tonight around the loft in downtown Des Moines and East Village and tried out the 24mm tilt-shift on the city. Below are just a few of my favorites:

Frederick Wedding Sneak Peek | June 4, 2011 | Forest City Iowa Wedding

Just wanted to post a quick shot from our wedding this past Saturday in Forest City, Iowa with Zach and Chelsea. We found this awesome spot on a farm just out of town that mixed with the 85L lens for portraits just came out fantastic! Congratulatiosn to Zach and Chelsea, we wish you the best […]

Amy + JM Married | Carroll Iowa Wedding Photographers

Amy and JM’s wedding took place in Carroll Iowa towards the end of August. The sky was a vivid blue and the dance they had afterward was full of pure awesomeness. we started our day with them at the church where JM sent Amy some gorgeous roses with a romantic little note. After the ceremony […]

Sarah + Eric Married | Forest City Iowa Wedding Photographers

Tanner and Eric grew up together with their families being friends through the years. When he and Sarah contacted him about us shooting their wedding we were thrilled. Their big day took place with the wedding ceremony at the Immanuel Lutheran Church in Forest City, Iowa. The wedding reception following the ceremony was at a […]

Wilkin Wedding | Cedar Rapids Iowa Wedding | Iowa Wedding Photographer

Keeping up with the full wedding posts from our weddings next up in the line up are the fantastic Katelyn and Taylor!  After our frigid engagement session in January it was a drastic turn to wedding photos on an 80 degree day.  Thy sky was just awesome and the weather cooperated perfectly. Not sure we […]

2011 Wedding PDF Pricing Guide | Iowa Wedding Photographers

If your viewing this on Facebook shoot on over to our blog at for the full post. Just wanted to share a few new designs for projects we’ve been working on the new iPad wallpaper (OK new as in new from this summer! We’ve been super busy!) and the first page of our our […]

Janssen Wedding Football Pics | Forest City Iowa Wedding

Tanner and I shot Eric and Sarah’s wedding a few weeks ago in Forest City, Iowa and finally finished up editing all the fabulous pictures last night! Definitely out-shot ourselves ending up with a bit over 1,800 final images. Phew! Eric played football at Waldorf College in Forest City, Iowa so we ventured out with […]

Weeds Iowa!

If your viewing this on Facebook click here to head on over to our blog: The light was just PERFECT the other night on my way back from a run so I bolted upstairs to my condo and grabbed the 5D MK II and our new 100mm f/2.8 macro lens that I have been […]