Des Moines Farmers’ Market 2015

I had a blast this AM at the local Des Moines Farmers’ Market, if you live anywhere near here go! You won’t regret it! Such a fun and wonderful experience. I ran into so many old friends, past brides and grooms and adorable puppies. Ate some delicious pasteries and grabbed some delightful fresh coffee before […]

Bulldog Love

You know…I think we could be professional bulldog photographers?! Anyway, due to it being January in Iowa aka BRR way too cold for photo sessions and my want to blog more personal things in 2014…enjoy this adorable puppy visitor Bruce! Dexter our olde english bulldogge really could use a sister, he LOVED Bruce! Plus what […]

Hager Family | Des Moines Photographers

We met up with the lovely Hager family and their pups tonight for some gorgeous family photos. Just wanted to share one of my faves from the very end of their session.