Cotton-Eyed Joe | Janssen Wedding Forest City, Iowa | 07.10.10
We are by no means video experts but having the ability to record video on our Canon 5D Mark II cameras and boy it is just oh so tempting to shoot a few seconds through out the wedding day. Be it not so great hand held or in a pitch black reception hall but that […]
Janssen Wedding Preview | 07.10.10 | Forest City Iowa Wedding
If your viewing this on Facebook head on over to our blog at Sarah and Eric tied the knot in Forest City, Iowa this past weekend. Here is a snapshot of the bridal party after the ceremony at the football field where Eric played football for the last four years at Waldorf College in […]
Jaz + Bailey | Forest City, Iowa | Senior Photographer 2011
If your viewing this on Facebook head on over to our blog at Pushing our limits and growing as photographers is something Tanner and I really strive to do often. We try to be unique and different from every other photographer out there by trying out new ideas, using lenses that most don’t, and […]
4th of July | Clear Lake, IA
If your viewing this on facebook head on over to our blog at The 4th of July has been THE favorite holiday of mine for as long as I can remember. I love sparklers, smoke bombs, snakes, fireworks, m80’s, basically anything I can light on fire and looks pretty counts. Especially when pictures are […]
Jenna Garner-Hayfield 2011 Senior | Iowa Senior Photographer
If your viewing this on Facebook head on over to our blog at Sunday evining we meet up with Jenna for some pictures. She is a to-be senior at Garner-Hayfield High School in northern Iowa and has aspirations to become a nurse after high school. Tanner edited all of these and I don’t know […]
Finzen Wedding | Ventura Iowa Wedding 01.31.10
If your viewing this on Facebook head on over to our blog at In an attempt to post blog posts from pre ZTS blog era here is a wedding we captured last January in Ventura for Arthur and Anna who have now been happily married for almost 6 months! I started off the day […]
Rupe Wedding Preview | Mason City Wedding Photographer
If your viewing this on Facebook head on over to our blog at Just a quick snapshot from the Mujucia/Rupe wedding we shot on Saturday in Mason City, IA. The day was steaming HOT reaching the mid 90’s. Phew! We got some AWESOME images so stay tuned for a full blog post soon!
Iowa Senior Session Sneek Peak!
If your viewing this on Facebook head on over out our blog at BUSY weekend! We shot a wonderful wedding on Saturday in Mason City and senior session on Sunday in Garner. Here is just a sneak peak of one of the images from senior session below. More to come soon! Enjoy!
Long Exposure + Sparklers + Car…
If your viewing this on Facebook head on over to our blog at This is what happens when Tanner and I get bored…we outline a car with sparklers! Last summer we were experimenting with light and long exposures and what better to do that play with sparklers! We headed off to a remote gravel […]
Patel Family Photos | Des Moines Family Portrait Photographer
If your viewing this on Facebook head on over to our blog at A few months ago we were asked by the Patel family out of Indianola to shoot some photos when their daughter and her family were back visiting from England for a few days. We called up our friend Tom from Ikonix […]
Adam O | Business Headshots | Des Moines Iowa Commercial Photographers
If your viewing this on Facebook head on over to our blog at Last Thursday Tanner and I had the pleasure of shooting some professional business head-shots for my cousin who is staring this own financial investment firm here in the Des Moines area in July. We started off in his backyard with some […]
Kami Garner Senior 2011 | Iowa Senior Photographer
If your viewing this on facebook head on over to our blog at: Kami was just so much fun to shoot with! She is going to be a senior this fall at Garner-Hayfield High School in Garner, IA. She is a lifeguard in town at the local pool and her father is a fire […]
Forest City High School Girls Softball | ZTS Photo
If your viewing this on facebook head on over to our blog at: Tanner went to watch his cousin’s softball game last week and snapped some great action pics with the 70-200mm f/2.8. She is a to-be junior at Forest City High School in northern Iowa. Sports pics are always fun! We have been […]
Sarah + Nick Engaged | Des Moines Iowa Engagement Photographers | East Village
If your viewing this on facebook head on over to our blog at Saturday we meet up with Sarah and Nick in East Village just outside of downtown Des Moines. It is great when we just instantly click with our couples and it feels like we have been friends for years. Really makes our […]
2nd Annual Halfway to Heaven Scholarship Bike Ride | Iowa Commercial Photographers
If your viewing this on facebook head on over to our blog at: June 5th we had the pleasure of shooting the 2nd Annual Halfway to Heaven Scholarship Bike-ride in memory of Tanner’s father Bernie. Some of his biggest passions were biking and music and the proceeds raised from the event help to fund […]
June Engagement Shootout | Iowa Photographers Meetup
If your viewing this on facebook head on over to our blog at Sunday evening we headed off to a field just south-west of downtown Des Moines to meet-up with some other local photographers from the area to do a fun group engagement shoot! The other photographers present were: Sarah & Chris Davis of […]
ZTS Slideshows | Iowa Senior and Wedding Photographers
If your viewing this on Facebook head on over to our blog at: Tanner put together an awesome HD slide-show awhile ago for Kami one of our 2011 seniors from Garner, Iowa. Tanner is in the process of burning her a CD which we think would be awesome to be played at grad parties! […]
Steak Addiction
If your viewing this on facebook head on over to our blog at I’ll admit it. We have an addiction problem. If you live within driving distance of a Costco please go join. Not only do they have memory cards (8gb sandisk) for $35 (were talking the same ones at bbuy that are $80) […]
ZTS Update: June 2010
If your viewing this on Facebook head on over to our blog at: HTTP://WWW.ZTSBLOG.COM We are swamped. Weddings + seniors + families + engagements + events + commercial shoots + a magazine deal with the Iowan + inquiries like no other! The full on summer swing of things has officially started and we couldn’t be more excited! […]
Introducing the ZTS Photo iPad! | Des Moines Wedding Photographers
If your viewing this on Facebook head on over to our blog at: Finally after well over a month of waiting for it WE GOT OUR 3G iPad! We have actually had it a few weeks now but it is still pretty new to us! Having internet in the middle of a corn field […]
Kami Sneek Peek | 2011 Garner Senior
If your viewing this on Facebook head on over to our blog at: Tanner and I have been SO incredibly busy lately! Ok that SO is a bit of an understatement! We have a plethora of blogs coming here soon with what we have been up to in the next few days. Two weddings […]
Amy + Jon-Michael | Ledges State Park Engagement Photos
On Saturday Tanner and I made the short trek up to Ledges State Park just out of Boone to snap some fun engagement pictures of Amy and Jon-Michael. We have the pleasure of shooting their wedding at the end of August in Carroll, IA. At first when Amy approached me about doing an all-nature engagement […]
Weeds Iowa!
If your viewing this on Facebook click here to head on over to our blog: The light was just PERFECT the other night on my way back from a run so I bolted upstairs to my condo and grabbed the 5D MK II and our new 100mm f/2.8 macro lens that I have been […]
Shelby 2011 Waukee High School Senior | Des Moines Senior Photographer
If your viewing this on Facebook shoot on over to our blog at to view the images better! Saturday afternoon we meet up to shoot with Shelby who is a senior to-be (in a few weeks!) gymnast and cheerleader at Waukee High School just outside of Des Moines. She has such a wonderful smile […]
It’s Almost Summer!
I took these shot years ago…were talking summer of 2006 old school with a Rebel XTi and a lens kit! I still to this day just absolutely just love them! They are un-edited straight out of the camera JPEGS. I was cleaning up my Flickr’ account last night and found these images from the days […]
Fisheye Tag
If your viewing this on Facebook head on over to our blog at Last January Tanner and I babysat my little cousin who lives in Johnston…he is SO much fun! Loves the camera, video, etc. I have some other awesome vids of him singing songs and the ABC’s somewhere…to be found at a later […]
Rainbow & a Killer Sunset!
If your viewing this on Facebook shoot on over to our blog at: to view this post! Last night I emerged from grabbing up some groceries for dinner after my workout at Dahl’s grocery store on 86th in Johnston to find a killer rainbow in the sky! Not just a ‘one-tailed’ rainbow or a […]
Jenn + Chad Engaged | Storm Lake Iowa Engagement Photographers
If your viewing this on facebook head on over to our blog @ Last Saturday we headed out in Storm Lake, IA to shoot some engagement pics for an upcoming wedding this July for Jenn and Chad! Jen went to college with us at Buena Vista University and was really involved in basketball and […]
Amber 2010 Garner Senior | Iowa Senior Portrait Photographers
If your viewing this on Facebook shoot on over to our blog at Way back in January we had the privilege of shooting Amber & Paige in Mason City, IA. It was so incredibly cold! I remember my fingers felt like they were falling off after being outside for only a short period of […]
Paige Portraits | Iowa Portrait Photographer
If your viewing this on Facebook head on over to our blog at Such a cold Iowa day but we really got some great images! These were all shot in Mason City, IA last January on a day that was far too cold for my liking. (We’re talking temperatures in the teens! Yuck!) See […]
BVU Baseball & BVU Softball | Storm Lake, IA
To best view this post (if your viewing this on facebook ) visit our blog at Tanner went down to shoot some sports pics with our new 70-200 f/2.8 lens and got some sweet shots at the Buena Vista University softball & baseball games on Tuesday at BVU. Baseball was vs. Central College and […]
Jess Modeling | Iowa Fashion Photographer
If your viewing this on facebook click here to head on over to our blog for the full post! Studio shooting is such a completely different realm of photography! Different funky colored backgrounds, lots of bright lights, pocket wizards rockin’ we just had some fun shooting recently with a local model from Des Moines! […]
Abandoned Iowa: Granger
If your viewing this on facebook click here to head on over to our blog for the full post! As long as I can remember I love grungy locations! You can check out some of my old work from my Flickr account here and here and Tanner’s stuff here. Whenever Tanner drives down from […]
Kristin + Jason Engaged | Pella Iowa Engagement Photographers
These two are just so much fun! Last Saturday Tanner and I headed off to Pella, IA to snap a few fun engagement pictures for Kristin and Jason whom we are shooting their wedding for at the end of May this year. Pella is just full of awesome places to shoot and a crazy amount […]
Vintage Wine & Spirits Co. | West Des Moines, Iowa | Iowa Commercial Photographer
If your viewing this on Facebook shoot over to our blog at I had the privilege of going to shoot Vintage Wine & Spirits Co. for a project at work (Visionary) as we are building them a new fantastic website! Commercial shoots are so much fun! I used our 50mm 1.4 quite a bit on […]
I-Cubs Baseball Home Opener 2010
If your viewing this on Facebook head on over to our blog at Last Thursday I headed down to the Iowa Cubs home opener at Principal Park. I received free tickets through work at Visionary we purchased a sweet banner on the Cub’s dugout. With this visionary got two season tickets for us to […]
Iowa Spring!
If your viewing this on facebook head on over to the blog at Spring is finally here in Iowa! The grass is green and the tulips (here in East Village where I work) are blooming. After one of the worst winters that I can remember having an 80 degree day in the middle of […]
New Photography Editing Techniques!
If your viewing this from Facebook click here to head over to our blog! Recently we’ve really been really focusing on developing some new editing techniques for our post processing of images in Photoshop. We’ve been incorporating the use of some new awesome actions, filters, sharpening techniques, and mainly just trying out some new […]
ZTS Photography Equipment! | Whats in our Bag– April of 2010
If your viewing this on Facebook head over to our blog! I’ve had this written and the pictures taken for well over a month but here it goes! I love reading blogs about what photographers shoot with, we often snoop in Flickr in the details of photos to see the settings the photo was […]
Katelyn + Taylor Engaged | Iowa Engagement Photographers | Ikonix Studio
In January we rented out Ikonix Studio for an engagement shoot with Katelyn and Taylor! Check out the Ikonix blog above as well as feel free to fan them on facebook because well…they just plain are SO incredibly fun to work with! IKONIX FACEBOOK Tanner and I are shooting their wedding the first weekend in […]
Amber + Scott Engaged | Des Moines Iowa Engagement Photographers
If your viewing this on facebook to view images & this post better visit our blog at: Last weekend Tanner and I had the pleasure of shooting engagement photos for an extremely fun couple! I think they laughed the entire shoot and we got some awesome pictures! They meet when they both worked at […]