Monday morning I had the pleasure of spending at The Bake Shoppe Des Moines photographing the process of making Baby Boomers Cookies for the new website design by Visionary Services that should be rolling out soon!

I can’t say how much I truly miss Baby Boomers Cafe that used to be located here in East Village where Tanner and I live and work but it is so awesome that the local Bake Shoppe still makes and sells them!

I had a blast with the fun staff at The Bake Shoppe and can’t wait to see the finished web design! Also if you are in need of a wedding cake check them out, several of our past couples have used them and can I just say the cake or cupcakes at ever wedding was DELICIOUS!

des moines commercial photographerdes moines commercial photographythe bake shoppe photos des moinesdes moines commercial photographyzts photo des moines commercial photographer

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